Welcome to Stoke Hammond Community Centre
For enquiries call 01525 270151 or 07799 396990
For enquiries call 01525 270151 or 07799 396990
Stoke Hammond Community Association is a registered Charity, number 277654. The aim of the Charity is to maintain and promote a building to be used for educational and social purposes to the benefit of residents in and around Stoke Hammond. This building, which was purchased following a massive fund raising effort by Villagers through the mid 1990’s, is the Community Centre on Bragenham Side, which was formerly the Village School. The ownership of the building is vested in the Custodian of Charities on the village’s behalf.
Current regular users of the building include Buttons Pre-School, Scouts, Joyful Tots, Chair Yoga, Parish Council, St Luke’s Church and Pilates classes. The Centre can also be hired by individuals – Call 07555 711929, or email enquiries@shcommunityassociation.co.uk. Fund raising events are also run to contribute to the annual running costs of the centre. The building is run by a Committee of villagers, but we are always looking for new people to be involved.
Bragenham Side, Stoke Hammond, Buckinghamshire, MK17 9DB enquiries@shcommunityassociation.co.uk
For bookings & all other enquiries tel 01525 270151 or 07799 396990 Alternatively email enquiries@shcommunityassociation.co.uk www.stokehammondcommunitycentre.com
Copyright © 2025 Stoke Hammond Community Centre - All Rights Reserved.